Friday, 15 July 2011

Snow White Lobster

Crayfish / Lobster


Crayfish Sexes
1. Gonopods

 2.  Opening of the vas deferens

 3.  Opening of the oviduct

 4.  Seminal receptacle

This image shows a ventral view of a male and female preserved crayfish.  The male is easily distinguished from the female by the presence of a pair of modified first swimmerets called gonopods, which are enlarged and directed forward.  These structures are used by the male to transfer sperm to the female.  Note also the small openings to each vas deferens at the bases of the fifth pairs of walking legs (the right leg of this specimen has been removed). The vasa deferentia conduct sperm from the testes to the outside of the crayfish.  On the female crayfish observe the opening to the seminal receptacle (which receives sperm from the male) as well as the openings to the oviducts at the bases of the third pairs of walking legs. 

Snow White Lobster
(Procambarus Clarkii sp. "White")

Origin : Originally USA , now : almost world wide

Max body size : 12cm+

Keeping : You can keep 5 or more in an aquarium of 100cm x 40cm. Bigger tanks allow for a greater  number of individuals. A wide range of pH and GH is possible as long as one avoids the extremes.  Very tolerant to a wide range of water conditions and quality.
Behaviour : Like most crayfish these are omnivorous and will eat your plants . Make sure to provide
 enough room if you keep several specimens, if not they will reduce their numbers with each molt.

Breeding : In aquariums, spawning is possible any time of year. The male makes a little sperm packet and places it on the female's stomach. The female then spawns her eggs, passing them through the  sperm packet so that the eggs get fertilized. It is not uncommon for the female to lose a claw  during this process. She then places the eggs under her tail where they will be kept until they are ready to be released. How long this will be depends on the water temperature and the  species, but it will be at least 4 weeks. A lot of other factors can also affect the length of the egg  carrying period, such as water quality, and food supply and quality. The mother will watch over  the young for a short time after birth.

Fry : The fry is very small when they are born but fully developed crayfish. Fry are usually detritus feeders which mean that they will feed on decomposing plant parts and food leftovers they can find while scouring the bottom. Vegetable food is preferred and they can be feed boiled lettuce leaves that are left to decay in the aquarium. Beware of the water quality. Fry is often very cannibalistic and a large aquarium is required if you want I higher number fry to survive. Sorting fry after size may help higher to survival rate.

Spread : wild type (red) - most common , white, blue and orange : common
Remark: The wild type is red, there is a blue, orange and a white color morph that is commonly available. 
                         Many more color morphs might be out there.


  1. will white and red breed, i have a male red one and a female white
